Postdoctoral Fellows

Sian Tsuei (he/him)
Simon Fraser University
Michael Smith Health Research BC Research Trainee Award Post-doctoral Fellow
Supervisor: Lindsay Hedden
Research Interests: Health system changes, telemedicine, artificial intelligence, payment reform, global health
Research Methods: Econometrics and qualitative research
Additional Expertise: Family medicine
Sian is a practising family physician in both BC and Northwest Territories. After completing his family medicine residency at UBC, he completed Population Sciences PhD at Harvard T H Chan School of Public Health. He specializes in global health systems research, and his research leverages and develops organizational behaviour theories. Sian’s research focuses on understanding how health systems change in the face of shocks. He is specifically interested in health policy shocks (e.g. payment and care integration reforms) and technological shocks (i.e, telemedicine and artificial intelligence).
François Gallant (he/him)
Dalhousie University & Vitalité Health Network
Mitacs Elevate Postdoctoral Fellow
Supervisor: Ruth Lavergne
Research Interests: Primary care, administrative data, advanced statistical analysis
Research Methods: Longitudinal observational studies, Quantitative analysis
Additional Expertise: Rocks, roots, berms; pizza
François is a Mitacs Postdoctoral Research Fellow with Dalhousie Family Medicine and Vitalité Health Network. He is interested empirical methods and the creative use of observational data to contribute to the evidence base. Generally, François hopes to address research questions that will facilitate the empowerment of individuals, families, and communities to take charge of their own health.

Rebecca Correia (she/her)
Dalhousie University
Postdoctoral Fellow
Supervisor: Ruth Lavergne
Research Interests: Primary care, aging, physician workforce, medical education
Research Methods: Primarily quantitative but also mixed methods
Additional Expertise: Skiing, biking, book club-ing
Rebecca is a health services researcher with interests in primary care (family medicine), aging, health human resources, and medical education. She trained at McMaster University (PhD, Health Research Methodology, 2024) and the University of Waterloo (BSc, Honours Health Studies, 2019). Her dissertation utilized consensus-based methods and epidemiological approaches to investigate the impacts of added competency training and focused medical practice on the care provided by family physicians to older adults. Rebecca has formal training and professional experience leading quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research. She has led multiple evidence syntheses (e.g., systematic reviews), population-based observational and quasi-experimental studies, case studies, community- and patient-engaged research, and knowledge translation initiatives. With the HSRL, Rebecca will lead mixed-methods, multi-provincial studies to understand the impacts of population aging on primary care needs and capacity.

PhD Students
Ali Coates (she/her)
University of Ottawa
PhD, Management, Health Systems
Supervisors: Agnes Grudniewicz & Tracey O’Sullivan
Research Interests: Rural health, health workforce, structural urbanism, health care access
Research Methods: Qualitative, critical methods, discourse analysis, knowledge synthesis
Additional Expertise: Hivernophile: expert in winter appreciation and recreational winter sports. Mom to luge and equestrian sport athletes. “My kids are living their best life and I am their ride”
Ali Coates is a PhD student in Management, in the Health Systems specialization. Her work focuses on structural urbanism in rural health. She is a recipient of the Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships Program Doctoral Scholarship (CGS-D) by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). Ali holds a BSc (Honours) degree from Mount Allison University, a MBA in Healthcare Management and a MS in Healthcare Data Analytics from Clarkson University and has held a variety of healthcare leadership roles during her career. Ali began working in the field of clinical research and eventually led the founding and early growth phases of a successful imaging core laboratory. Following a family move to the rural North Country region of New York, Ali led the establishment of a new clinical research program within St. Lawrence Health System. She was the Assistant Vice President of Physician Relations at Adirondack Health before being accepted to Telfer School of Management. While completing her MBA and MS degrees, Ali chose to focus on the rural context to understand how core management principles apply in rural health systems. Ali was a 2022 National Rural Health Association (NRHA) Rural Health Fellow. She maintains an active leadership role at the New York State Association for Rural Health.

Julie Vizza (she/her)
Ontario Tech University
Doctor of Philosophy, Health Sciences
Supervisors: David Rudoler & Agnes Grudniewicz
Research Interests: Patient experience, patient empowerment, patient self-management
Research Methods: Quantitative
Additional Expertise: Patient advocacy, reading, travelling, cooking, and generally, trying new things
Julie Vizza is a PhD candidate at Ontario Tech University (formally the University of Ontario Institute of Technology). Julie holds a joint Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and Psychology from Trent University and Master’s degree in Health Science from Ontario Tech University. Julie’s general research interests surround using the experience and expertise of patients to improve the delivery of care across various levels of the health care system. Under the co-supervision of Dr. David Rudoler (Ontario Tech University) and Dr. Agnes Grudniewicz (University of Ottawa), her current dissertation research explores medication management experiences among older adults with multiple chronic conditions and, within team-based care settings. Julie’s own lived experience as an individual with complex care needs, has strengthened her conviction that the perspectives of patients, as well as, collaboration with and among providers are fundamental in establishing and delivering optimal person-centred care.

Joel Dissanayake
University of Toronto
PhD - Health Systems Research
Supervisor: David Rudoler
Research Interests: Mental health, primary care, physician remuneration.
Research Methods: Quantitative
Additional Expertise: Weight lifting, rugby, instruments, spending time with his dog Duke.
Joel is a doctoral student in the Health Systems Research stream at the University of Toronto. Before starting at the University of Toronto, Joel completed his BSc at the University of Guelph and his MHSc at Ontario Tech University. For his masters thesis, Joel conducted a scoping review to identify the barriers and facilitators of implementing suicide risk assessments in emergency departments and inpatient facilities. Joel currently works part time as a Research Analyst in the Schizophrenia Division at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. In addition to that, he is working on a research project with Ageing with Dignity Research Centre at Ontario Tech University. The focus of his PhD dissertation will be tailored towards financial incentives for community-based psychiatrists in Ontario.
Ellie Gooderham (she/her)
Simon Fraser University
PhD, Faculty of Health Sciences
Supervisors: Lindsay Hedden
Research Interests: Health equity, marginalised populations, chronically ill and complex care patients, administrative data
Research Methods: Quantitative
Additional Expertise: Cooking, travelling, EDI, cycling
Ellie is an PhD student in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University. With her background in biological anthropology, Ellie has an interest in studying health from a variety of data sources and she is looking forward to building skills in mixed methods and qualitative research. Her lived experiences of having an invisible disability has shaped both her research interests as well as being involved with EDI in professional and personal settings.

Reem Gaafar (she/her)
Ontario Tech University
PhD - Community, Public and Population Health
Supervisor: David Rudoler
Research Interests: Health policy, delayed discharge in mental health patients, supportive housing, social determinants of health
Research Methods: Qualitative
Additional Expertise: Creative writing, filmmaking, graphic designing
Reem is a public health physician, researcher, writer and knowledge translator with over 15 years of experience in the MENA region. She completed a MPH from the University of Liverpool and has consulted for several health promotion campaigns as well as government and non-government entities, including WHO, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, GHD/EMPHNET and the Government of Sudan. Her writing has been featured in African Feminism, Teakisi Magazine, African Arguments, International Health Policies, Health Systems Global and in two anthologies. She also assists researchers writing in English as a second language to get published. In 2020 Reem was shortlisted for the Miles Moreland Foundation Writing Scholarship for African writers. For her Master's and PhD Reem will be working on solutions for delayed discharge in mental health patients and exploring their lived experience transitioning into and living in supportive housing.

Andrew Putman (They/Them)
Ontario Tech University
PhD in Computer Science
Supervisor: David Rudoler, Peter Lewis
Research Interests: Health equity, bias & fairness in decision-making, AI & machine learning, mental health & addictions, access to care, research methods, statistics
Research Methods: Quantitative & Mixed Methods
Additional Expertise: Tinkering, reading, random fact accumulation
Andrew is a PhD student at Ontario Tech University co-supervised by Dr. David Rudoler in the Health Systems Research Lab and Dr. Peter Lewis in the Trustworthy AI Lab. Andrew’s primary research interests center around equity in healthcare decision-making, both human and algorithmic. More broadly, Andrew is passionate about the understanding, critical evaluation, and communication around AI and statistical models. They care deeply about research methodology and hope that their research can contribute to improving our understanding of complex health problems. Andrew obtained their master’s degree from Ontario Tech in the Faculty of Health Sciences where they co-developed a new measurement tool which aims to improve our understanding of the variety of ways in which sex and gender can affect health. Andrew’s research experience also includes assessing variation in hospitalizations for schizophrenia, evaluation of treatment success predictive models, and analyses of the health impacts of older adults’ lived environment.
Gillian Young (she/her)
Western University
PhD Student, Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Supervisors: Lindsay Hedden and Maria Mathews
Research Interests: Primary care, health workforce
Research Methods: Mixed methods, economic evaluation
Additional Expertise: Swimming, playing cello, canoeing/kayaking
Gillian is a PhD student in the department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Western University’s Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry. She completed her undergraduate degree in the Arts and Science program at McMaster University (2021) followed by her MSc Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Western University (2023). Her MSc thesis evaluated the physician retention bonus program in Newfoundland and Labrador. Gillian's doctoral thesis will focus on an economic evaluation of the Primary Care Diabetes Support Program at St. Joseph's Health Care in London, Ontario.

MSc Students

Hannah Wotherspoon (she/her)
University of Ottawa
MSc - Health Systems
Supervisor: Agnes Grudniewicz,
Manoj Lalu
Research Interests: Public Health, preclinical to clinical translation, patient engagement, knowledge translation
Research Methods: Qualitative
Additional Expertise: Figure skating, skiing, travelling
Hannah is a Master of Science student in health systems at the University of Ottawa. Prior to starting her graduate studies, she completed her Bachelors of Science Honours degree with a minor in neuroscience from the University of Guelph. She has an interest in translational research, public health, and patient engagement.

Eric Poarch (he/him)
Dalhousie University
MSc - Community Health and Epidemiology
Supervisor: Ruth Lavergne
Research Interests: Substance use, health equity, harm reduction, social determinants of health
Research Methods: Quantitative
Additional Expertise: Skiing, cooking, surfing (swimming with board in hand)
After graduating from UVic with a BSc in Chemistry for the Medical Sciences, Eric has worked in healthcare for the Red Cross as an Emergency Care Worker, as an Ophthalmic Technician, and as a Drug Analyst and Research Assistant for the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research (CISUR). Eric contributed to the Substance UVic pilot project providing harm reduction supplies and analyzing illicit drug samples; using paper spray mass spectrometry along with raman and infrared spectroscopy to provide results to service users. With other researchers at Substance, he produces weekly and monthly reports, blog posts, drug education materials, and research summaries covering their research on the illicit drug supply. By pursuing a MSc in Community Health and Epidemiology, he hopes to expand on this work using quantitative research to explore inequities accessing care for mental illness and people who use drugs.

Sarah Munoz-Violant
Simon Fraser University
MSc - Health Sciences
Supervisor: Lindsay Hedden
Research Interests: Health equity, digital health, substance use treatment, concurrent disorders.
Research Methods: Mixed methods
Additional Expertise: Skiing!
Sarah completed a BA in Psychology at UBC and has since led various research projects in the areas of digital health, health psychology, and neuroscience. See her publications here. She is currently coordinating the Strategic Innovation Fund Red Fish Virtual/Digital Innovation Hub, for which she designed three pilot studies integrating the use of pioneering technologies into the treatment of clients experiencing complex co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorder (SUDs). Sarah previously led the SASRAR project (Sexual Abuse and Sleep and Rest/Activity Rhythms in individuals undergoing inpatient treatment for co-occurring mental illness and SUDs). She also works as a front-line worker in the Downtown Eastside at WISH Drop-in Centre Society, a space providing services to female and gender-diverse street-based sex trade workers. Email her at sarah.munozviolant@phsa.ca or connect with her on LinkedIn.

Maryam Rana (She/Her)
Ontario Tech University
MSc - Community, Public and Population Health
Supervisor: David Rudoler
Research Interests: Access to and quality of primary care; Experiences of vulnerable populations; Mental health; Health systems; Health equity; Social determinants of health
Research Methods: Quantitative
Additional Expertise: Painting, reading, traveling.
Maryam graduated from Ontario Tech University with a Bachelor’s in Health Sciences (BHSc). During her research practicum, she was engaged in practical and guided collaborative research with Dr. David Rudoler on a project that aimed to improve the retention and recruitment of nurses to the long-term care sector. Maryam collaborated with project contributors and utilized thematic analysis to examine qualitative data from focus group interviews to produce themes regarding workplace qualities and job characteristics. As a research assistant, she developed and applied research skills through OVID MEDLINE and CINAHL EBSCO database searches, a rapid literature review, research proposal, and through the creation and delivery of a poster presentation to relevant stakeholders. On the Research Practicum Poster Day, Maryam and her research partner were awarded first place out of fifty-six posters. Maryam is currently advancing her academic career through the pursuit of a Masters in Health Sciences at Ontario Tech University.
Lucie Péléja (she/her)
University of Ottawa
MSc in Health Systems
Supervisor: Agnes Grudniewicz & Tracey O'Sullivan

Tai Hollingbery (they/them)
Ontario Tech University
Masters of Health Science
Supervisor: David Rudoler

Husayn Jessa (he/him)
University of Toronto
MSc in Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Concentration: Health Services Research)
Supervisor: David Rudoler
Research Interests: Mental health services, primary care, equity, diversity
Research Methods: Quantitative
Additional Expertise: Soccer, weight lifting, reading
Husayn will be attending the University of Toronto in the Fall of 2022 to begin his MSc in Health Services Research with an emphasis in Health Economics. He completed his undergraduate degree in Health Sciences at Wilfrid Laurier University where he was awarded an Alumni Gold Medal. Husayn’s research interests include supporting individuals with mental illness, equity in care, and the overall improvement of health systems and health care.

Marc Albert
University of Ottawa
MSc - Health Systems
Supervisor: Agnes Grudniewicz & Manoj Lalu

Catherine Kadamani
University of Ottawa
MSc - Health Systems
Supervisor: Agnes Grudniewicz, Jennifer Dimoff
Research Interests: Leadership and management, patient safety, employee well-being, understanding and developing organizational culture, mental health
Research Methods: Qualitative
Additional Expertise: Speaking Arabic, baking, drawing, and scrapbooking
Catherine is a Master of Science student in Health Systems at the University of Ottawa. Prior to her graduate studies, she completed her Bachelor of Health Sciences Honours degree with a minor in Management from the University of Ottawa. She is extremely keen on research topics that aim to find new and innovative ways to deliver comprehensive care to patients and/or quality service to customers by way of improving leadership styles, optimizing human resource planning, understanding organizational culture, and focusing on employee mental health and wellbeing.